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פוסטים בפורום

23 באפר׳ 2022
In Do It All From Your Phone
United States Agency for India Phone Number List International Development ( usaid , for its acronym in English) and other entities of the US administration for years and decades of poorly distributed aid, erroneously spent and the management of the massive migration of the citizens of these countries with palliatives. The effects are India Phone Number List well known: the destruction of food production capacities, the excessive expansion of the informal economy, with a dominant presence of the service sector, a cosmetic appearance of modernization accompanied by high levels of corruption.12. So far this century, humanitarian crises India Phone Number List on a global scale have been aggravated by conflicts, disasters and now the pandemic. Hich has generated an increase in the India Phone Number List vulnerable population of refugees, displaced persons and forced migrants. In 2021, according to the UN , 238 million people will require humanitarian assistance and international protection, 30% more than in 2020. The growing needs for evacuation, care and international India Phone Number List protection put increasing pressure on bordering countries and on the existing regimes in terms of asylum and migration in the usaand its European allies, precisely when the restrictionist and anti-immigration visions have gained political ground internally. In humanitarian matters, Central Asia and the Caribbean Basin are two hot spots: 11% of the refugees come from Afghanistan India Phone Number List and 16% from Venezuela. Respectively. In our region, we India Phone Number List must add the recent silent exodus of the Haitian, Honduran, Cuban, Salvadoran and Guatemalan population expelled by the chronic situation of violence, political instability, economic fragility and natural disasters that, in 2020, reached nearly one million people . And we must not forget that the main India Phone Number List migratory corridor in the world is made up of the USA , Mexico and Central America, where, in addition, the highest number of deaths of migrants in transit is recorded. The contrasts India Phone Number List of attention and neglect in different humanitarian situations are enigmatic. The visibility of the Venezuelan exodus (5.4 million) contrasts with the silence regarding the 8.2 million internally displaced persons in Colombia.


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